Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016
Workshop W14

Monday, June 6, 13:00 — 14:30 (Havane Amphitheatre)

W14 - This Is a Mix! This Is a Master!

Ian Corbett, Kansas City Kansas Community College - Kansas City, KS, USA; off-beat-open-hats recording & sound reinforcement
Mandy Parnell, Black Saloon Studios - London, UK
Darcy Proper, Darcy Proper Mastering - Eemnes, The Netherlands; Wisseloord Studios - Hilversum, The Netherlands
Sander Van der Heide, The Saint of Sound - Soest, The Netherlands; Wisseloord Studios - Hilversum, The Netherlands

Whether you are a student, home studio or project studio user, or someone entering the professional industry, most of the music mixes you hear and try to emulate have been professionally mastered. Too many novices try to recreate a “mastered” sound in their mix. This is undesirable and limits what the mastering engineer can do. Join our panel of mastering engineers as they present some “off-the-console” mixes, discuss what they did to the mix, play the resulting master, and discuss some other common issues they see in some of the material sent to them to master.

AES Technical Council This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Recording Technology and Practices

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