Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016
Workshop W1

Saturday, June 4, 10:30 — 11:45 (Havane Amphitheatre)

W1 - Microphones: What Can We Measure and What Do We Hear?

Eddy B. Brixen, EBB-consult - Smørum, Denmark; DPA Microphones
Jürgen Breitlow, Georg Neumann Berlin - Berlin, Germany; Sennheiser Electronic - Wedemark, Germany
David Josephson, Josephson Engineering, Inc. - Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Martin Schneider, Georg Neumann GmbH - Berlin, Germany
Helmut Wittek, SCHOEPS GmbH - Karlsruhe, Germany

Comparison of microphones can be carried out by performing measurements and by listening. Both actions are equally important. The measured data make it easy to select the kind of microphones that suit your job. Measurements can take the microphone to its limits in all directions. Measurements help you to define the category of microphone you need for a job. However, listening can help you to define exactly the unit that you find sounds the best. In this workshop, the most important data are explained, and good practice regarding how to listen is presented.

AES Technical Council This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Microphones and Applications

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