Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016
Tutorial T17

Monday, June 6, 15:45 — 16:45 (Room 352A)

T17 - Binaural and Audiovisual Content

Delphine Devallez, Arkamys - Paris, France
Lidwine Ho, France télévisions - Paris, France

Broadcasters are now facing a digital and wireless world of interactivity and personalization. Users demand transmedia contents that need new tools and give new sensations.  Binaural audio allows the perception of a 3D sound space around the listener in a very realistic way.  This paradigm is totally new in television production that proposes scene and action in front of the viewer.  There is a real impact of the vision on the binaural hearing, how to deal with the multisensory perception in TV production? How to use it and what are the issues?  The role of head movement, captured via a head tracking device, is also discussed as it greatly improves the spatial perception.  This tutorial session is illustrated with contents already broadcasted on a non-linear web TV platform. It is based on listening, viewing and explaining filmed extracts.

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