Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016
Tutorial T13

Monday, June 6, 11:30 — 12:45 (Havane Amphitheatre)


T13 - 100 Years of Condenser Microphones

Martin Schneider, Georg Neumann GmbH - Berlin, Germany

On Dec. 20, 1916, E. C. Wente’s patent of a “telephone transmitter” based on the capacitive principle was filed. It soon proved it’s usefulness as the most linear transducer principle and developed into the measurement microphones we use today. It was also quickly adopted for broadcast, recording, and film work and became the standard recording microphone type worldwide in the 1950s. One hundred years after E. C. Wente’s patent application, the condenser microphone must be considered as the most important microphone transducer type, being the most linear and conceptually simple at the same time. This tutorial gives a detailed overview of the major developments concerning audio applications in these first 100 years of condenser microphone development.

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