Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016
Technical Tour TT7

Tuesday, June 7, 13:30 — 16:30 (Off-site 1)

TT7 - Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris

The CNSMDP is a public administrative teaching establishment under the guidance of the ministry of culture. The conservatoire is one of the important art schools and is a member of the PSL – Research University Paris. Located since twenty years on the site of la Villete, the Paris Conservatoire has always sought to take up the challenges of a pedagogy and transmission where tradition, creation, reflection and research each have their place, making this school a wellspring for tomorrow’s creators. The school trains the performers, composers, musicologists and musician-sound engineers of the future.

The Conservatoire has an exceptional audiovisual infrastructure for a pedagogical institution. Students of the course benefit from the rich opportunities: more than three hundred concerts a year in halls of different acoustics including some outside the conservatoire. They also benefit from audiovisual equipment that is unique for a pedagogical setting: recording and post-production studios that include two multichannel studios (SSL C300), a multitrack studio (SSL4000G+), several studios offering a range of equipment and several post-production studios. The course offers three personalized streams, working towards three professional music sectors:
• Record production for disc, radio, television and internet.
• Live performance
• Creation

The technical tour will offer a visit of 3 studios with 3 demos organized in each studio: 13:30-14h:30-15h30
Demos: Audio-Visual Department and students of the school.

I- Régie RGPO and Vincent Meyer’s hall—Headphones for binaural listening with head-tracking
II- Studio 240—Analog recording
III- Studio Schaeffer—Musical production and 3D immersion for 5.1 and 2.0 setting. Teaching multichannel sound recording technics dedicated to music production

This tour is primarily for students and educators.

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