Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016
Student / Career Event

Sunday, June 5, 10:15 — 12:30 (Havane Amphitheatre)

Student Recording Competition—Part 1

The Student Recording Competition is a highlight at each convention. A distinguished panel of judges participates in critiquing finalists of each category in an interactive presentation and discussion. The top three finalists in each category, as identified by our judges, present a short summary of their production intentions and the key recording and mix techniques used to realize their goals. They then play their projects for all who attend. Meritorious awards are determined here and will be presented at the closing Student Delegate Assembly Meeting (SDA-2) on Tuesday afternoon. The competition is a great chance to hear the work of your fellow students at other educational institutions. Everyone learns from the judges’ comments, even those who don't make it to the finals, and it’s a great chance to meet other students and faculty.

10:15: Category 1—Traditional Acoustic Recording 
Judges: Malgorzata Albinski, Thor Legvold, Morten Lindberg, Dan Shores

11:15: Category 2–Traditional Studio Recording 
Judges: Jim Anderson, Richard King, Barry Marshall, Mandy Parnell

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For further information on these events please check the AES Students website.

AES - Audio Engineering Society