Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016 Presenter or Author

Nadja Wallaszkovits

Nadja Wallaszkovits

Primary Affiliation: Phonogrammarchiv, Austrian Academy of Science - Vienna, Austria
Secondary Affiliation: NOA GmbH - Vienna, Austria
AES Member Type: Member
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Nadja Wallaszkovits manages the audio department of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv and is specialised in audio restoration, rerecording and digital archiving. She works as consultant and guest lecturer for National and International institutions and has held several training seminars. She is member of AES and IASA Technical Committees.
Recently she took over the management of the new research department of NOA GmbH, a Public Private Partnership collaboration dedicated to the restoration of acetate media.

Session List

Jun 5: W4: Expert Transfer Techniques: A Special Focus on Mechanical Discs (Chair)

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