Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016 Presenter or Author

Joanna Napieralska

Joanna Napieralska

Primary Affiliation: Frederic Chopin University of Music - Warsaw, Poland

Grad­u­ated from the Depart­ment of Sound Engi­neer­ing, the Fry­deryk Chopin Acad­emy of Music (now the Fry­deryk Chopin Uni­ver­sity of Music), Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor at the Chair of Sound Engi­neer­ing, FCUM.

She is a co-author and the former man­ager of the project called the Inter-University Mul­ti­me­dia Pro­gram.

She pre­pared sound for many cin­ema and TV films and won numer­ous prizes for sound. She also won the schol­ar­ship of the BBC Cen­ter (1989) and of the Nip­kow Pro­gramme in Berlin (2002/2003). She has worked Lódz Film School. A mem­ber of the Pol­ish Film Acad­emy (PAF), Euro­pean Film Acad­emy (EFA), Motion Pic­tures Sound Edi­tors(MPSE) and Audio Engineering Society (AES).

She is an author of two books: : “Weiser” dra­matur­giczna rola dzwieku, FCAM 2006; and SOUND DESIGN droga eman­cy­pacji dzwiekow fil­mowych, FCUM 2012.

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Session List

Jun 7: EB5: eBriefs 5: Lectures
On the Silver Globe Revisited (Author)

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