Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016 Presenter or Author

Angelo Farina

Angelo Farina

Primary Affiliation: Università di Parma - Parma, Italy
AES Member Type: Fellow
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Angelo Farina devoted his academic career to acoustics and audio. He was a pioneer of the usage of computer for acoustical measurements, initially for room acoustics, and later on for electroacoustical tests. He also wrote a number of computer programs, inventing the "pyramid tracing" method for room acoustics and outdoor propagation, and re-discovering the benefits of the exponential sine sweep signal for electroacoustical measurements. Thanks to this method, Angelo provided significant results regarding auralization and digital reverberation, measuring impulse responses in dozens of theatres all around the world.
In the last years, Angelo worked mostly on advanced beamforming methods, applied both to loudspeaker arrays and microphone arrays.
Angelo Farina is author of more than 250 scientific papers and of 5 international patents.

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Session List

Jun 6: EB3: eBriefs 3: Lectures
A Novel 32-Speakers Spherical Source (Author)

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