Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016 Presenter or Author

Toru Kamekawa

Primary Affiliation: Tokyo University of the Arts - Adachi-ku, Tokyo, Japan
AES Member Type: Member
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Toru Kamekawa, after graduating the Kyushu Institute of Design in 1983 joined the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) as a sound engineer. During that period he gained his experience as a recording engineer mostly in surround sound programs for HDTV. In 2002, he joined the Tokyo University of the Arts as an associate professor (a professor since 2010) teaching acoustics and recording. He has contributed to many of the AES activities since his assignment as an officer of the AES Japan Section in 2001 (he was the workshop chair for the AES Tokyo Convention in 2003, and the AES Tokyo Convention chair in 2005). He has served as chair of the AES Japan Section in 2006 and contributed to the success of the first regional conference in Japan, held in Fukuoka. Furthermore, he was the exhibition chair of the AES Tokyo Regional Convention 2007, the general officer of AES Tokyo Regional Convention 2009 and as a co-chair he led the 40th AES International Conference “Spatial Audio” 2010 in Tokyo.
In October 2009 and May 2011, he received the Board of Governor Award from the AES head office for his activities on behalf of the AES Japan Section.
His research interests include among others the area of recording techniques for multi-channel stereo. He is currently conducting research on the factors of spatial impression of surround sound with height channels.

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Session List

Jun 5: P12: Perception Part 1 and Audio Signal Processing Part 2
The Difference in Perceptual Attributes for the Distortion Timbre of the Electric Guitar between Guitar Players and Non-Guitar Players (Author)

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