Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016 Presenter or Author

G. Christopher Stecker

G. Christopher Stecker

Primary Affiliation: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine - Nashville, TN, USA

Professor Stecker is a psychoacoustician and auditory neuroscientist whose research focuses on the brain mechanisms of binaural and spatial hearing. Much of his work has focused in the question of how human listeners combine multiple spatial cues to generate a rich perception of the acoustical space we live in.

Dr. Stecker earned his Ph.D. in 2000 from the University of California Berkeley, studying under Prof. Ervin Hafter and other experts in hearing including David Wessel (CNMAT). After completing additional postdoctoral work at the University of Michigan under John Middlebrooks, and the US Department of Veterans Affairs under Prof. David Woods, Dr. Stecker joined the faculty of the University of Washington in 2005 and Vanderbilt University in 2013, where he currently serves as Associate Professor of Hearing and Speech Sciences.

Prof. Stecker is active in numerous professional societies including AES, the Soceity for Neuroscience, Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, and Acoustical Society of America, to which he was elected Fellow in 2015. His numerous publications span a wide range of approaches to the study of spatial hearing, from human psychoacoustics and brain imaging to neurophysiology and models of neural computation. Outside of his active research areas, other interests in audio include electronic sound synthesis (particularly analog), sound recording, mixing, and experimental music production.

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Session List

Jun 6: P13: Perception: Part 2
Exploiting Envelope Fluctuations to Enhance Binaural Perception (Author)

Jun 6: P19: Perception Part 2, Audio Signal Processing Part 3, and Recording and Production Techniques
Exploiting Envelope Fluctuations to Enhance Binaural Perception (Author)

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