Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016 Presenter or Author

Hong Liu

Hong Liu

Primary Affiliation: Peking University - Beijing, China

Hong Liu received the PhD in mechanical electronics and automation in 1996, and serves as a Full Professor in the School of EE&CS, Peking University (PKU), China. Prof. Liu has been selected as Chinese Innovation Leading Talent supported by “National High-level Talents Special Support Plan” since 2013.He is also the Director of Open Lab on Human Robot Interaction, PKU, his research fields include computer vision and robotics, image processing, and pattern recognition. Dr. Liu has published more than 150 papers and gained Chinese National Aero-space Award, Wu Wenjun Award on Artificial Intelligence, Excellence Teaching Award, and Candidates of Top Ten Outstanding Professors in PKU. He is an IEEE member, vice president of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligent (CAAI), and vice chair of Intelligent Robotics Society of CAAI.He has served as keynote speakers, co-chairs, session chairs, or PC members of many important international conferences, such as IEEE/RSJ IROS, IEEE ROBIO, IEEE SMC and IIHMSP, recently also serves as reviewers for many international journals such as Pattern Recognition, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, and IEEE Trans. on PAMI.

Session List

Jun 5: P7: Audio Signal Processing—Part 2: Beamforming, Upmixing, HRTF
Dual-Channel Beamformer Based on Hybrid Coherence and Frequency Domain Filter for Noise Reduction in Reverberant Environments (Author)

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