Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016 Presenter or Author

Mateusz Bieñ

Mateusz Bieñ

Primary Affiliation: Academy of Music in Kraków - Kraków, Poland

Mateusz Bien works as Associate Professor in the Composition Faculty at the Academy of Music in Krakow. His main occupation is Studio of Electroacoustic Music but he also collaborates with the Jagiellonian University and AGH - University of Science and Technology. From perspective of his work composing really means: 'putting things together'. Mateusz Bien writes music but also a computer tools for music creation - often integrated with text, image or light. In this intermedia works however, music is always at the first place.
His second main interest is education. For fifteen years he worked as a teatcher and Recording Studio Manager in Krakow's Institute for Blinds and Partially Sighted. He also collaborated with many Education Centers as an expert and author of the syllabus. From many years he designed and carried out an audiovisual layer of Krakow's Philharmonic educational concerts. Currently he also cooperate with Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe (KBF) and Krakow Film Music Festiwal.

Session List

Jun 6: P15: Live Sound Practice, Rendering, Human Factors and Interfaces
Graphical Interface Aimed for Organizing Music Based on Mood of Music (Author)

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