Audio Engineering Society AES Paris 2016

AES Paris 2016
Engineering Brief EB2

EB2 - eBriefs 2: Posters

Saturday, June 4, 10:30 — 12:00 (Foyer)

EB2-1 Investigation into the Perceptual Effects of Image Source Method OrderDale Johnson, The University of Huddersfield - Huddersfield, UK; Manchester, UK; Hyunkook Lee, University of Huddersfield - Huddersfield, UK
This engineering brief explores the perceived effects and characteristics of impulse responses (IRs) generated using a custom, hybrid, geometric reverb algorithm. The algorithm makes use of a well known Image Source Method (ISM) and Ray Tracing methods. ISM is used to render the early reflections to a specified order while ray tracing renders the remaining reflections. IRs rendered at varying ISM orders appear to exhibit differences in perceptual characteristics, particularly in the early portion. To understand these characteristics, an elicitation test base was devised in order to acquire terms for the different characteristics. These terms were grouped in order to provide attributes for future grading tests.
Engineering Brief 247 (Download now)

EB2-2 The Influence of Discrete Arriving Reflections on Perceived Intelligibility and STI MeasurementsRoss Hammond, University of Derby - Derby, Derbyshire, UK; Peter Mapp Associates - Colchester, UK; Peter Mapp, Peter Mapp Associates - Colchester, Essex, UK; Adam J. Hill, University of Derby - Derby, Derbyshire, UK; Gand Concert Sound - Elk Grove Village, IL, USA
The most widely used objective intelligibility measurement method, the Speech Transmission Index (STI), does not completely match the highly complex auditory perception and human hearing system. Investigations were made into the impact of discrete reflections (with varying arrival times and amplitudes) on STI scores, subjective intelligibility, and the subjective annoyance factor.’ This allows the effect of comb filtering on the modulation transfer function matrix to be displayed, as well as demonstrates how the perceptual effects of a discrete delay cause subjective ‘annoyance,’ that is not necessarily mirrored by STI. This work provides evidence showing why STI should not be the sole verification method within public address and emergency announcement systems, where temporal properties also need thoughtful consideration.
Engineering Brief 248 (Download now)

EB2-3 Immersive Production Techniques in Cinematic Sound Design: Context and SpatializationTom Downes, University of Limerick - Limerick, Ireland; Malachy Ronan, University of Limerick - Limerick, Ireland
Immersive formats are fast becoming a ubiquitous feature of film post-production workflow. However, little knowledge exists concerning production techniques addressing this increased spatial resolution. Questions therefore remain regarding their function in cinematic sound design. To address this issue, this paper evaluates the context required to prompt the use of elevated loudspeakers and examines the relevance of electroacoustic spatialization techniques to 3D cinematic formats. A contextually relevant scene from submarine classic Das Boot was selected to probe this question in a 9.1 loudspeaker configuration. It is hoped that this paper will prompt further discourse on the topic.
Engineering Brief 249 (Download now)

EB2-4 Perceptual Comparison of Localization with Soundman Binaural Microphones vs HRTF Post-ProcessingBlas Payri, Universitat Politècnica de València - Valencia, Spain; Ramón Rodríguez Mariño, Universitat Politècnica de València - Valencia, Spain
We realize a perceptual comparison of spatial sound localization using a synthetic pink noise and four recognizable sound sources: male and female speech, a closing door, and a sea-sound recording. Spatialization is created via binaural recording (Soundman OKM binaural microphones) or HRTF post-processing using filters available in Logic Pro, Protools, and Matlab. Eleven participants had to locate the source position of 72 stimuli combining different locations in azimuth. Results show that location recognition is generally low (36%). Although Soundman recordings show better results, no significant difference in localization accuracy is found between HRTF filtering systems and the binaural microphone recordings. We conclude that binaural 3D sound can easily be implemented with available commercial software, with no clear difference between systems.
Engineering Brief 250 (Download now)

EB2-5 VSV (Virtual Source Visualizer), A Practical Tool for 3D-Visualizing Acoustical Properties of Spatial SoundsMasataka Nakahara, ONFUTURE Ltd. - Tokyo, Japan; SONA Corp. - Tokyo, Japan; Akira Omoto, Kyushu University - Fukuoka, Japan; Onfuture Ltd. - Tokyo, Japan; Yasuhiko Nagatomo, Evixar Inc. - Tokyo, Japan
The authors have developed a practical tool which visualizes 3D acoustical properties of sound by using sound intensity information. The tool, VSV (Virtual Source Visualizer), consists of two main parts; analyzing software and measurement instruments. Since the goal is to provide a simple solution to 3D acoustic analysis, the authors have focused on the following items; obtain intuitively understandable results, and construct reliable system with inexpensive devices. In this paper usefulness and accuracy of our proposed method are discussed, and some examples of practical applications are also introduced.
Engineering Brief 251 (Download now)

EB2-6 Database of Binaural Room Impulse Responses of an Apartment-Like EnvironmentFiete Winter, Universität Rostock - Rostock, Germany; Hagen Wierstorf, Technische Universität Ilmenau - Ilmenau, Germany; Ariel Podlubne, Université de Toulouse - Toulouse, France; Thomas Forgue, Université de Toulouse - Toulouse, France; Jérome Manhès, Université de Toulouse - Toulouse, France; Matthieu Herrb, Université de Toulouse - Toulouse, France; Sascha Spors, University of Rostock - Rostock, Germany; Alexander Raake, Technische Universität Ilmenau - Ilmenau, Germany; Patrick Danès, Université de Toulouse - Toulouse, France
We present a database of binaural room impulse responses (BRIRs) measured in an apartment-like environment. The BRIRs were captured at four different sound source positions, each combined with four listener positions. A head and torso simulator (HATS) with varying head-orientation in the range of ± 78 degrees with 2-degrees resolution was used. Additionally, BRIRs of 20 listener positions along a trajectory connecting two of the four positions were measured, each with a fixed head-orientation. The data is provided in the Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics (SOFA) and it is freely available under the Creative Commons (CC-BY-4.0) license. It can be used to simulate complex acoustic scenes in order to study the process of auditory scene analysis for humans and machines.
Engineering Brief 252 (Download now)

EB2-7 Compatibility Study of Dolby Atmos Objects' Spatial Sound Localization Using a Visualization MethodTakashi Mikami, SONA Co. - Tokyo, Japan; Masataka Nakahara, ONFUTURE Ltd. - Tokyo, Japan; SONA Corp. - Tokyo, Japan; Kazutaka Someya, beBlue Co., Ltd. - Tokyo, Japan
3D sound intensity measurement was carried out in two Dolby Atmos-compliant mixing rooms, and spatial sound localizations were visualized by using a newly developed visualizer, VSV (Virtual Source Visualizer), which locates sound directions on panoramic 4p space by using 3D sound intensity. Since in conventional channel-based sound design, sound localizations depend on loudspeakers' positions, there should be differences among mixing rooms. But in object-based sound design as is provided by Atmos, sound localization is rendered by RMU (Rendering and Mastering Unit) using metadata of azimuth and elevation angle and is expected not to depend on loudspeakers' positions. The session discusses inter-room compatibility / difference of sound direction using the visualization method between two mixing rooms, a small Home Atmos-compliant mixing room, and a Cinema Atmos-compliant large stage.
Engineering Brief 253 (Download now)

EB2-8 Controlling Program Loudness in Individualized Binaural Rendering of Multichannel Audio ContentsEmmanuel Ponsot, STMS Lab (Ircam, CNRS, UPMC) - Paris, France; Radio France - Paris, France; Hervé Dejardin, Radio France - Paris, France; Edwige Roncière, Radio France - Paris, France
For practical reasons, we often experience multichannel audio productions in a binaural context (e.g., headphones on mobile devices). To make listeners benefit from optimal binaural rendering (“BiLi project”), Radio France developed nouvOson (, an online audio platform where listeners can select HRTFs and ITDs that best fit them. The goal of the present study was to control the program loudness (measured according to the ITU-R BS.1770 / R128 recommendations) after binauralization. To this end, we examined the influence of various parameters such as the audio content (synthetic vs. real broadcast audio), HRTFs, and ITDs on loudness. We propose a dynamic process, which adapts the gain in the binauralization chain so as to control the output loudness of virtual surround audio contents.
Engineering Brief 254 (Download now)

EB2-9 Presenting the S3A Object-Based Audio Drama DatasetJames Woodcock, University of Salford - Salford, Greater Manchester, UK; Chris Pike, BBC Research and Development - Salford, Greater Manchester, UK; University of York - Heslington, York, UK; Frank Melchior, BBC Research and Development - Salford, UK; Philip Coleman, University of Surrey - Guildford, Surrey, UK; Andreas Franck, University of Southampton - Southampton, Hampshire, UK; Adrian Hilton, University of Surrey - Guildford, Surrey, UK
This engineering brief reports on the production of three object-based audio drama scenes commissioned as part of the S3A project. 3D reproduction and an object-based workflow were considered and implemented from the initial script commissioning through to the final mix of the scenes. The scenes are being made available freely and without restriction as Broadcast Wave Format files containing all objects as separate tracks and all metadata necessary to render the scenes as an XML chunk in the header conforming to the Audio Definition Model specification (Recommendation ITU-R BS.2076 [1]). It is hoped that these scenes will find use in perceptual experiments and in the testing of 3D audio systems. The scenes are available via the following link:
Engineering Brief 255 (Download now)

EB2-10 Installation of a Flexible 3D Audio Reproduction System into a Standardized Listening RoomRussell Mason, University of Surrey - Guildford, Surrey, UK
In order to undertake research into 3D audio reproduction systems, it was necessary to install a flexible loudspeaker rig into the ITU-R BS 1116 standard listening room at the University of Surrey. Using a mixture of aluminum truss and tube, a method for mounting loudspeakers in a manner that allows a wide range of layouts was created. As an example configuration, an installed 22.2 system is described. The method used to undertake bass management of this system, as well as methods to align the time of arrival, level, and frequency response of each channel are described. The resulting configuration is compared to the requirements of the ITU-R BS 1116 standard.
Engineering Brief 256 (Download now)

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