Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2015

AES New York 2015
Product Development Track Event PD5

Friday, October 30, 9:00 am — 10:30 am (Room 1A13)


Product Development: PD5 - Best Practices in Production Test

Jonathan Novick, Audio Precision - Camarillo, CA, USA

Production test is an integral part of bringing quality products to market. It can also be time consuming, expensive, and produce inconsistent and confusing results. There is constant pressure to increase quality, track data, reduce test times, and reduce investment in the testing—goals that often conflict with each other. Modern measurement techniques based on best practices, standards, and available technology can provide a high degree of consistency, quality with low test times. In today’s diverse product organizations, it is also important to be able to communicate test specifications and results across engineering, product management, manufacturing, and supply chain. This session explores the trade-offs one must consider when implementing new test methodologies. Real-world case studies will be discussed and comparisons made between different approaches. This session will also discuss the benefits and caveats of various test approaches and how a good test strategy can become a competitive advantage.

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