Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2015

AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Raphaël Marczak

Raphaël Marczak

Primary Affiliation: Aquitaine Science Transfert - Pessac, France

Raphaël Marczak received two M.S. degrees in computer science (engineering and multimedia) from the University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France (2007). He holds a PhD in computer science and social science from the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand (2014), where he contributed to a model for video game classi?cation by identifying which quantitative data sets, from psychophysiological data to gameplay metrics can be used to enhance gameplay experience assessment. Before this project, he worked at LaBRI, (University of Bordeaux), on the VIRAGE project. He also developed a software system in collaboration with scientists and artists in the area of the performing arts. He is currently developping a serious game, which seeks to enhance music practice, with Aquitaine Science Transfert and LaBRI.

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Session List

Nov 1: EB6: Posters 1
GaME: Game for Music Education (Author)

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AES - Audio Engineering Society