Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2015

AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Tomasz Zernicki

Tomasz Zernicki

Primary Affiliation: Zylia sp. z o.o. - Poznan, Poland
AES Member Type: Member
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Tomasz Zernicki is CTO at Zylia R&D ( company which is working on applied research in the field on 3D audio, multimedia and networking. His professional interests concentrate on: audio and video compression algorithms, spatial sound processing, audio bandwidth extension, parametric sound representation and modeling.
As an audio expert he takes an active role in the Moving Picture Expert Group (MPEG) standardization committee work. He proposed extensions for audio compression standards such as MPEG-D and MPEG-H 3D Audio.

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Session List

Nov 1: EB6: Posters 1
Measurements of Spherical Microphone Array Characteristics in an Anechoic Room (Author)
Sound Field Recording Using Wireless Digital Distributed Microphone Array (Author)

Nov 1: EB7: Posters 2
Evaluation of Separation Techniques for Musical Instrument Recordings Using Microphone Array in a Rehearsal Room (Author)

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