Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2015

AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Susan Rogers

Susan Rogers

Primary Affiliation: Berklee College of Music - Boston, MA, USA
AES Member Type: Member

Susan Rogers holds a doctorate in Cognitive Psychology from McGill University (2010). Her research focuses on auditory memory and the influence of musical training on auditory development. For two decades prior to her science career, Susan was one of the world’s few women working as a record producer, engineer, mixer, and audio electronics technician. Career highlights include 5 years (1983-1988) as staff engineer for Prince; producing diverse artists such as Barenaked Ladies, David Byrne, Geggy Tah, Robben Ford, Jeff Black, and Rusted Root; mixing for an equally eclectic list including Tricky, Michael Penn, Toad the Wet Sprocket, and Tevin Campbell; engineering for a host more. Susan currently teaches music cognition, psychoacoustics, and record production courses at Berklee College of Music, Boston, and is the director of the Berklee Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory.

Session List

Oct 30: W9: Give Peaks a Chance (Panelist)

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