AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Hüseyin Hacihabiboglu

Hüseyin Hacihabiboglu

Primary Affiliation: Middle East Technical University (METU) - Ankara, Turkey

Huseyin Hacihabiboglu received the B. Sc. (honors) degree from the Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey, in 2000 the M. Sc. degree from the University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K., in 2001, both in electrical and electronic engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, U.K., in 2004. He held research positions at University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K. (2004-2008) and King’s College London, London, U.K. (2008-2011). Currently, he is an Associate Professor and Head of Department of Modelling and Simulation at the Graduate School of Informatics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. His research interests include audio signal processing, room acoustics, multichannel audio systems, psychoacoustics of spatial hearing, microphone arrays, and game audio. Dr. Hacihabiboglu is a senior member of the IEEE, member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Audio Engineering Society (AES), Turkish Acoustics Society (TAD), and the European Acoustics Association (EAA).

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Session List

Oct 31: P13: Spatial Audio—Part 1
On the Performance of Acoustic Intensity-Based Source Localization with an Open Spherical Microphone Array (Author)

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EXHIBITION HOURS October 30th   10am - 6pm October 31st   10am - 6pm November 1st   10am - 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 28th   3pm - 7pm October 29th   8am - 6pm October 30th   8am - 6pm October 31st   8am - 6pm November 1st   8am - 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 29th   9am - 7pm October 30th   9am - 7pm October 31st   9am - 7pm November 1st   9am - 6pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society