AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Mert Burkay Cöteli
Primary Affiliation: METU Middle East Technical University - Ankara, Turkey
Secondary Affiliation: ASELSAN A.S. - Ankara, Turkey
Mert Burkay Çöteli is a PhD student in Information Systems department of Middle East Technical University. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Middle East Technical University. He has also been active in the area of Signal Processing, Software Engineering and Software Verification for over 6 years at the company of Aselsan Inc. His current research in PhD program involves study of source localization, spherical microphone arrays and spatial audio.
More Info: http://www.aes.org/member/profile.cfm?ID=610905778
Session List
Oct 31:
P13: Spatial Audio—Part 1
On the Performance of Acoustic Intensity-Based Source Localization with an Open Spherical Microphone Array (Author)