Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2015

AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Pascal Brunet

Pascal Brunet

Primary Affiliation: Samsung Research America - Valencia, CA USA
Secondary Affiliation: Audio Group - Digital Media Solutions
AES Member Type: Associate
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Pascal Brunet obtained his Bachelor's in Sound Engineering from Ecole Louis Lumiere, Paris, in 1981, his Master's in Electrical Engineering from Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, Paris, in 1989 and a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, in 2014. Pascal has been a member of IEEE and AES since 2004, and has written numerous conference and journal papers. Pascal Brunet has made his entire career in Audio, Sound and Vibration fields. He started in Paris, France with Brüel & Kjær, writing application software for seven years. He then ran his own Noise and Vibration consulting company, Brunet & Cambey. After moving to Boston in 2003, Pascal worked at Listen Inc. for ten years as a Senior DSP Engineer for electroacoustic measurements. He is now Principal DSP Engineer for Samsung Research America, doing research in their brand new Audio Lab in Valencia, California.

Session List

Oct 29: P1: Signal Processing
Time-Frequency Analysis of Loudspeaker Sound Power Impulse Response (Author)

Nov 1: P19: Spatial Audio—Part 3
Estimating the Total Sound Power of Loudspeakers (Author)

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