AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Allan Devantier

Allan Devantier

Primary Affiliation: Samsung Research America - Valencia, CA, USA

Allan Devantier graduated from Ryerson University in Toronto in 1987 and in 1989 Allan joined Plateau-Camber as a Loudspeaker Design Engineer. In 1990 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation chose the Camber 3.5ti as their standard studio monitor after an extensive series of double-blind listening tests conducted at the Canadian National Research Council under the direction of Dr. Floyd Toole. In 1992 Allan joined Harman International and quickly became the Director of Systems Engineering for JBL Consumer. Later he became the Director of Engineering for Infinity (another Harman division). During his time at Infinity Allan led the development of the world’s first room-adaptive loudspeakers intended for domestic use, including the Infinity Prelude MTS. In 2002 Allan moved to Harman’s corporate research department where he was responsible for refining loudspeaker and audio system measurements and fostering best development practices for all Harman divisions. In 2013 Allan assisted Harman’s JBL Professional division as the Audio Systems Engineer for the critically acclaimed M2 Studio Monitor. Allan joined Samsung Research America in 2013 and since then has been building an elite team of audio engineers and researchers located in North Los Angles. Recently the CEA introduced a loudspeaker measurement standard (CEA-2034) which is a direct result of research he presented at the 2002 AES convention in Los Angeles. He holds nine US patents (plus numerous international equivalents) and has been published and quoted several times in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. Allan resides in Santa Clarita California with his wife and 3 children.

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Session List

Oct 29: P1: Signal Processing
Time-Frequency Analysis of Loudspeaker Sound Power Impulse Response (Author)

Oct 31: P16: Room Acoustics
Environments for Evaluation: The Development of Two New Rooms for Subjective Evaluation (Author)

Nov 1: P19: Spatial Audio—Part 3
Estimating the Total Sound Power of Loudspeakers (Author)

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EXHIBITION HOURS October 30th   10am - 6pm October 31st   10am - 6pm November 1st   10am - 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 28th   3pm - 7pm October 29th   8am - 6pm October 30th   8am - 6pm October 31st   8am - 6pm November 1st   8am - 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 29th   9am - 7pm October 30th   9am - 7pm October 31st   9am - 7pm November 1st   9am - 6pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society