Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2015

AES New York 2015 Presenter or Author

Florian Völk

Florian Völk

Primary Affiliation: Technische Universität München - München, Germany
Secondary Affiliation: WindAcoustics UG (haftungsbeschränkt) - Windach, Germany
AES Member Type: Member
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Florian Völk is a researcher, consultant and software manufacturer working in the field of auditory-adapted acoustics and signal processing. He was born in 1980 in Landsberg am Lech, Germany. After serving his time as a trombonist at Gebirgsmusikkorps 8 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany and working as studio musician, he studied electrical engineering and information technology with a focus on Psycho- and Electroacoustics at Technische Universität München, from where he received a Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in 2006 and a Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D.) in 2013. He is a member of the group Bio-Inspired Information Processing of Prof. Werner Hemmert at Technische Universität München, teaching and working on psychoacoustic aspects of modeling peripheral hearing mechanisms, and virtual acoustics technologies, especially dynamic binaural synthesis and wave-field synthesis. For his work, Dr. Völk has been awarded a Young Scientist Grant from the International Commission for Acoustics and the Acoustical Society of America in 2010, and the first AES Peer-Reviewed Paper Award in 2011. He published more than 40 papers, book chapters, and books and gave multiple contributed and invited talks at international conferences and companies. He is working as a reviewer for various journals and conferences in the field and chaired sessions and workshops. Dr. Völk is a member of the Audio Engineering Society, the Acoustical Society of America, the German Acoustical Association (DEGA), the German Electrical Engineering Society (VDE/ITG). In his spare time, he enjoys working as a musician and as a trombone instructor.

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Session List

Oct 29: P3: Transducers/Perception
Audibility Threshold of Auditory-Adapted Exponential Transfer-Function Smoothing (AAS) Applied to Loudspeaker Impulse Responses (Author)

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