Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2015

AES New York 2015
Poster Session P17

P17 - Applications in Audio

Saturday, October 31, 2:15 pm — 3:45 pm (S-Foyer 1)

P17-1 Application of Object-Based Audio for Automated Mixing of Live Football BroadcastRobert Oldfield, University of Salford - Salford, Greater Manchester, UK; Ben Shirley, University of Salford - Salford, Greater Manchester, UK; Darius Satongar, University of Salford - Salford, Greater Manchester, UK
The challenge of creating a live sound mix for a sports event such as a football/soccer match cannot be underestimated. The mixing engineer needs to constantly raise and lower the levels of the faders corresponding to the pitch-side microphones that cover the area of the pitch containing the action at that point in time such that the on-pitch sounds can be heard over the crowd noise. This paper presents an automation of this process based on the detection of audio objects in the microphone feeds and then controls the levels of the faders on the mixing console accordingly. This paper includes a brief description of the underlying algorithms for the detection of ball-kicks and whistle-blows and describes how such a system can be integrated into current broadcast workflows.
Convention Paper 9454 (Purchase now)

P17-2 Personal Adaptive Tuning of Mobile Computer AudioKuba Lopatka, Gdansk University of Technology - Gdansk, Poland; Jozef Kotus, Gdansk University of Technology - Gdansk, Poland; Piotr Suchomski, Gdansk University of Technology - Gdansk, Poland; Andrzej Czyzewski, Gdansk University of Technology - Gdansk, Poland; Bozena Kostek, Gdansk University of Technology - Gdansk, Poland; Audio Acoustics Lab.
An integrated methodology for enhancing audio quality in mobile computers is presented. The key features are adaptation of the characteristics of the acoustic track to the changing conditions and to the user's individual preferences. Original signal processing algorithms are introduced, which concern linearization of frequency response, dialogue intelligibility enhancement, and dynamics processing tuned up to the user's preferences. The principles of the algorithm implemented in the C++ programming language are provided. The processing is performed utilizing custom Audio Processing Objects (APO) installed in Windows sound system. The sound enhancement bundle is managed with a User Interface enabling control over the sound system. The results of subjective evaluation of the introduced methods are discussed.
Convention Paper 9455 (Purchase now)

P17-3 Audio Effects Data on the Semantic WebThomas Wilmering, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK; György Fazekas, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK; Alo Allik, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK; Mark B. Sandler, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK
We discuss the development of a linked data service exposing metadata about audio effect implementations. The data is collected automatically from Web sources as well as by extracting information from effect plugin binaries, and by manual data entry and correction using a Web service. Automatically generated RDF data is represented using vocabulary terms defined by the Audio Effects Ontology. A SPARQL endpoint allows for the integration of this data resource in novel audio production software and services for the classification, comparison, and recommendation of effects, taking advantage of semantic descriptors.
Convention Paper 9456 (Purchase now)

P17-4 Speech Music Discrimination Using an Ensemble of Biased ClassifiersKibeom Kim, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. - Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea; Anant Baijal, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. - Suwon, Korea; Byeong-Seob Ko, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. - Suwon, Korea; Sangmoon Lee, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. - Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea; Inwoo Hwang, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. - Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea; Youngtae Kim, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. - Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
In this paper we present a novel framework for real-time speech/music discrimination (SMD). The proposed method improves the overall accuracy of automatically classifying the signals into speech, singing, or instrumental categories. In our work, first, we design several groups of classifiers such that each group’s classification decision is biased towards a certain class of sounds; the bias is induced by training different groups of classifiers on perceptual features extracted at different temporal resolutions. Then, we build our system using an ensemble of these biased classifiers organized in a parallel classification fashion. Last, these ensembles are combined with a weighting scheme, which can be tuned in either forward-weighting or inverse-weighting modes, to provide accurate results in real-time. We show, through extensive experimental evaluations, that the proposed ensemble of biased classifiers framework yields superior performance compared to the baseline approach.
Convention Paper 9457 (Purchase now)

P17-5 Multi-Criteria Decision Aid Analysis of a Musification Approach to the Auditory Display of Micro-Organism MovementDuncan Williams, University of Plymouth - Devon, UK; Laurence Wilson, University of York - Heslington, York, UK
We evaluate a musification approach to the auditory display of P. berghei flagella movement (a micro-organism that is commonly used in laboratory analysis of malaria transmission). High resolution 3D holography techniques provide the source data. The ultimate goal of this work is to develop an auditory display that could successfully augment existing visual analysis of bacteria motility in-field. The requirement for musification as opposed to sonification, and methods for evaluating the success of this implementation, are explored. An evenly weighted multi-criteria decision aid analysis was undertaken of amenity, immersion, intuitivity, efficiency, and congruency of the musification. Listeners consistently rated the amenity, intuitivity, and congruency of the musification above that of the visual only display and that of a randomized audio accompaniment.
Convention Paper 9458 (Purchase now)

P17-6 An Overview of an Online Audio Electronics Curriculum Offered at the Indiana University Jacobs School of MusicMichael Stucker, Indiana University - Bloomington, IN, USA
An overview will be given of both the pedagogical and technical design of an online curriculum to teach electronics, specifically analog audio electronics. This approach worked to create enhanced engagement in students and allow students to work on their own schedule while still having instructional support. Engagement is particularly difficult with courses taught online and extra effort must be taken to create activities that will increase student participation, focus, and engagement. A great deal of the engagement in an in-person course comes from the interaction of the people involved in the course, whether instructor or student. Creating methods and compelling reasons for student-student and student-instructor interactions is critical to the success of an online course. One of the benefits of online courses is the ability for students to work according to their own schedule. For an online course to be effective, instructional support must be available during whatever hours the student chooses to work on course materials. It is certainly not possible for an instructor to be always available, but course materials can be designed to provide interactive instructional support. This paper will provide an overview of the course design created to solve the aforementioned problems. This will include both the technical details as well as the pedagogy behind the design.
Convention Paper 9459 (Purchase now)

P17-7 A Connection Management System to Enable the Wireless Transmission of MIDI MessagesBrent Shaw, Rhodes University - Grahamstown, South Africa; Richard Foss, Rhodes University - Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa
This paper examines the design and implementation of a wireless system for the distribution of MIDI messages for show control and studio environments. The system makes use of the MIDI and MIDINet protocols, creating wireless nodes that will enable the transmission of MIDI between devices on a wireless network with connection management capabilities through the use of embedded web servers. The paper describes the current state of the art, configuration of the system, hardware architectures, software design, and implementation.
Convention Paper 9474 (Purchase now)

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