AES New York 2015
Broadcast & Streaming Media Track Event N1
Thursday, October 29, 2:15 pm — 3:15 pm (Room 1A14)
Networked Audio: N1 - Basic Networking and Layer 3 - Protocols: Layers, Models? A Disambiguation in the Context of Audio over IP
Presenter:Kieran Walsh, Audinate Pty. Ltd. - Ultimo, NSW, Australia
The OSI model is a great starting point to understand a structure for integrating network protocols and creating software. Topics for discussion include: • Examining the positives of a layered approach and fill in the “missing gaps” that are required to create a real implementation. • An implementation from a “solution provider” (manufacturer) is different to creating a real “on the ground” working full system – the Model and layered approach however can be valuable in converging these two challenges. • “Protocols, Standards, implementations” These terms are used interchangeably—they, however, have distinct meanings; we will examine the differences and distinctions of these terms. • Deploying core AoIP services in the context of other technologies that can be leveraged to make a fully working system function in an effective production environment. • Distinguishing between standards, implementations, transports, protocols, layers and have a better insight into what each means and how to define requirements for systems. • Understanding the IT centric approach to a network, and identify challenges and workarounds when deploying an AoIP system. • Understanding some techniques that “come for free” in an enterprise IT network environment