Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2015

AES New York 2015
Archiving and Restoration Track Event A10

Sunday, November 1, 10:15 am — 11:15 am (Room 1A22)

Archiving: A10 - Simple. Secure. Safe: Partnering Initiatives with The Internet Archive

B. George

The Music Locker has been created to save millions of dollars, free up millions of man hours and avoid years of wasted energy. The simple idea is to pool the known digitized copies of every sound recording available, then allow institutions who own a physical copy, access to the digital version. All texts that are a part of any packaging will also be available digitally, OCR searchable. In this way any institution having a copy of a recording can avoid the work of creating a listening copy necessary for in-house use or study. You control access. You can save locally. Simple, secure, safe.

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