Audio Engineering Society AES New York 2015

AES New York 2015
Archiving and Restoration Track Event A5

Friday, October 30, 4:15 pm — 5:15 pm (Room 1A13)

Archiving: A5 - Bits Is Bits, Right? Check Again!

George Blood, George Blood Audio/Video/Film - Philadelphia, PA, USA

In our increasingly digital world the reliability of digital transmission and storage is paramount. From CRCs to public key encryption, systems abound to establish trust in digital information. Preservationists are concerned with bit rot, authenticity and fixity. But what if the bits coming out of the analog-to-digital converter don't make it to the file? How would you know? What can you do about it? This presentation shares information on data loss gathered during a major systems upgrade, the sordid tale of exploring many common hardware and software tools, the sad reality, and a simple test users can perform to search for this problem. Now commonly called interstitial errors, we'll look at loss in both the time and amplitude domains.

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