Audio Engineering Society AES Warsaw 2015

AES Warsaw 2015
Tutorial T15

Sunday, May 10, 09:15 — 10:15 (Room: Opera)


T15 - Mic It & Record It!

Ian Corbett, Kansas City Kansas Community College - Kansas City, KS, USA; off-beat-open-hats recording & sound reinforcement

You should not start a recording project without knowing how you want the mix to sound, and how to record the sounds you need to create that mix. Learning to use microphones and mic techniques to capture sounds “in their place in the mix” will not only produce more spacious multi-dimensional mixes needing less electronic processing to achieve that goal, but also create a more efficient workflow that speeds up the mixing process. Come and learn how to approach the recording session from the perspective of the mix, how different microphone technologies can beneficially colour and shape the sounds you’re recording, how different instrument, vocal, and stereo mic techniques affect the sounds captured, and how the recording room’s affect on the sound source and the microphones can be exploited and explored to help you capture sounds you actually need for the mix. For students and professionals alike, understanding these techniques will increase the variety of mix styles and sounds you are able to produce, making you a more versatile audio engineer ready to meet the needs of clients and employers today and tomorrow.

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