Audio Engineering Society AES Warsaw 2015

AES Warsaw 2015 Presenter or Author

Dietrich Schüller

Dietrich Schüller

Primary Affiliation: Phonogrammarchiv - Vienna, Austria

Dietrich Schüller, retired Director of the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, is a specialist in audiovisual preservation and re-recording. He was a member of the Executive Board of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) from 1975 to 1987, founder of the IASA Technical Committee and its chair until 2001. He is a member of the Audio Engineering Society, and was Vice-Chair of the AES Standards Subcommittee on Audio Preservation and Restoration until its closure in 2012. A pioneer in digital audio preservation, he was the Richard C.Heyser Lecturer at the AES Convention Berlin 2014.

He is author/editor of numerous publications, amongst them IASA Technical Committee Standard "The Safeguarding of the Audio Heritage: Ethics, Principles and Preservation Strategy" (IASA-TC 03), which is the basis of his contribution to the Workshop.

Session List

May 10: W14: Audio Restoration: From Analogue Transfer to Digital Signal Enhancement (Presenter)

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