Audio Engineering Society AES Warsaw 2015

AES Warsaw 2015 Presenter or Author

Donato Masci

Donato Masci

Primary Affiliation: Studio Sound Service s.a.s. - Florence, Italy
AES Member Type: Member

Acoustic designer and consultant, he starts his career cooperating with Fabrizio Giovannozzi and personally following all the works managed by Studio Sound Service s.a.s. from 2008. In 2010 he becomes general partner of the company in which he still operates, joined by other professionals and students from the University of Florence.
Studio Sound Service was founded in 1983 and now is the most dynamic Italian acoustic design firm for studio design (music acoustics and audio/video (post)production) and is the only one to have had international awards.

He graduates in Physics at Florence University with a thesis on Acoustics, and specializes at Ferrara. He is a Chartered Acoustician (#184) of the Province of Florence, a Court-appointed Expert of the Court of Florence (#9813) and a Licensed Surveyor and Expert of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence (#1230), Italy.

So far he has personally designed over 70 recording and audio-video (post)production studios and has worked with different teams for the design of churches, theaters, auditoriums, conference rooms, home theater etc.
Among the most important projects:
FOX International Channels @ Hammersmith, London (UK) - a/v post-production studios;
Mulinetti Studio (Alberto Parodi) @ Genova;
House of Glass (Gianni Bini) @ Viareggio (LU) (Resolution Award 2013 — Best Audio Facility, Nomination);
The Garage (Fabrizio Simoncioni) @ Civitella v.d.C.(AR) (Resolution Award 2014 — Best Audio Facility, Nomination);
PPG Studios (Andrea Bocelli) @ Santo Pietro Belvedere (PI);
In House, Mirko Perri @ Roma - Dolby® approved cinema mixing theater, color correction;
George Lucas Home Theater, Italy;
Santa Maria Nuova Church (Arch. Mario Botta) @ Terranuova Bracciolini (AR);
Prada @ via Orobia, Milano - Auditorium and Conference Room;
Ferrari @ Maranello - Projection room of the Ferrari Museum.

He has ongoing collaborations with Genelec for multichannel audio systems and is a consultant to B&C Speakers (one of the most important companies in the world for the electro-acoustic components) and Architecture Sonora for their product’s R&D.
He has an editorial contract with Dario Flaccovio Editore for writing a book about Acoustics. Expected publication date: late 2015. Probable title “PROGETTAZIONE ACUSTICA per ambienti dedicati alla registrazione e all'ascolto” (ACOUSTIC DESIGN for recording and listening rooms). He has written four technical articles for the British magazine Resolution, leader in professional audio. The same magazine reviewed some of his works (PPG Studio, House of Glass, In House, The Garage Studio, Mulinetti Studio, Fox UK) and three of these were on the cover. The same magazine has nominated the House of Glass (in 2013) and the The Garage Studio (in 2014) as "Best Audio Facility" for Resolution Awards.

More Info:

Session List

May 9: PS9: Implementing Practical Acoustics (Presenter)

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