AES Warsaw 2015 Presenter or Author
Dale Johnson
Primary Affiliation: The University of Huddersfield - Huddersfield, UK
Dale Johnson is a research student at The University Of Huddersfield and is a member of the Applied Psychoacoustics Laboratory (APL). He is currently studying for a Masters by Research degree after graduating with First Class degree in BSc Music Technology and Audio Systems (Hons). He is currently developing a perceptually motivated, artificial reverb that employs both ray-tracing and algorithmic techniques, with the commodity for multichannel, virtual microphone setups. his background is both musical and engineering, having both an interest in composition and the inner workings music technology itself e.g programming, electronics, psychoacoustics etc.
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Session List
May 9:
EB-1: e-Brief Posters
HAART: A New Impulse Response Toolbox for Spatial Audio Research (Author)