Audio Engineering Society AES Warsaw 2015

AES Warsaw 2015 Presenter or Author

Frank Schultz

Frank Schultz

Primary Affiliation: University of Rostock / Institute of Communications Engineering - Rostock, Germany
AES Member Type: Associate

- 2003 B.Eng. communications engineering, HTWK Leipzig, Germany
- 2003-2007 Audio-DSP R&D engineer (software/hardware) at Bosch Communications Systems/EVI Audio, Straubing, Germany
- 2011 M.Sc. audio communication and technology, TU Berlin, Germany
- 2009-2012 research assistant at Audio Communication Group, TU Berlin, Prof. Stefan Weinzierl, Germany
- since 2013 research assistant at Research Group Signal Processing and Virtual Acoustics, University of Rostock, Prof. Sascha Spors, Germany
- research interest: acoustic signal processing for live sound reinforcement

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Session List

May 10: P15: (Lecture) Spatial Audio—Part 2
Discussion of the Wavefront Sculpture Technology Criteria for Straight Line Arrays (Author)

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