Audio Engineering Society AES Warsaw 2015

AES Warsaw 2015 Presenter or Author

Stefano Squartini

Primary Affiliation: Università Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona, Italy

Stefano Squartini (IEEE Senior Member and ISCA/AES Member) was born in Ancona, Italy, on March 1976. He got the Italian Laurea with honors in electronic engineering from University of Ancona (now Polytechnic University of Marche, UnivPM), Italy, in 2002. He obtained his PhD at the same university (November 2005). He got a funded Visiting Research Fellowship at Department of Computing Science at University of Stirling, (August-October 2003). Moreover he was a Visiting Scholar at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at University of Illinois at Chicago, (March-September 2004). He worked also as post-doctoral researcher at UnivPM from June 2006 to November 2007, when he joined the DII (Department of Information Engineering) as Assistant Professor in Circuit Theory. In 2012 he was guest lecturer at TUM (Munich University of Technology) in Munich/Germany. He is now Associate Professor since November 2014. His current research interests are in the area of digital signal processing and computational intelligence, with focus on speech/audio processing and energy management, and specially oriented to low-power and real-time applications on embedded platforms. Dr. Squartini is one of the founding members of the research group 3MediaLabs, and has actively participated to various (funded) regional, national and European projects on multimedia Digital Signal Processing. He is author and co-author of many international scientific peer-reviewed articles (more than 140), and Associate Editor for the “IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems” (since 2010) and member of the “Cognitive Computation” and “Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience” Editorial Board (starting from 2011 and 2014, respectively). He is a regular reviewer for several (IEEE, Springer, Elsevier) Journals, Books and Conference Proceedings and in the recent past he organized several Special Sessions at international conferences with peer-reviewing and Special Issues of ISI journals. He joined the Organizing and the Technical Programme Committees of more than 40 International Conferences and Workshops in the recent past. He is member of the Executive Board of the SIREN (Italian Society of Neural Networks), member of the IEEE CIS Multimedia Committee and responsible for his University’s participation in the Texas Instruments European University Program. He is also member of the Texas Instrument Expert Advisory Panel.

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Session List

May 8: P7: (Poster) Audio Signal Processing
Clock Skew Compensation by Adaptive Resampling for Audio Networking (Author)

May 10: P16: (Poster) Applications in Audio
A Floor Acoustic Sensor for Fall Classification (Author)

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