Audio Engineering Society AES Warsaw 2015

AES Warsaw 2015 Presenter or Author

Philip Jackson

Philip Jackson

Primary Affiliation: University of Surrey - Guildford, Surrey, UK

Philip Jackson is Senior Lecturer in Machine Audition at the Centre for Vision, Speech & Signal Processing, University of Surrey, UK. He joined CVSSP in 2002 after a postdoctoral fellowship (Univ. Birmingham) with PhD (Univ. Southampton) and MA (Cambridge University Engineering Department). Through Columbo, BALTHASAR, DANSA, SAVEE, DynamicFaces, QESTRAL, POSZ, UDRC2 and S3A projects, he has researched active noise control for aircraft, speech aero-acoustics, source separation, articulatory models for automatic speech recognition, audio-visual emotion classification and visual speech synthesis, and recently spatial and personal audio engineering. He has over 100 journal, patent, conference and book publications (h-index=13). He serves as reviewer for the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, InterSpeech and ICASSP, and as associate editor for Computer Speech & Language (Elsevier).

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Session List

May 8: P6: (Lecture) Room Acoustics
Estimation of Room Reflection Parameters for a Reverberant Spatial Audio Object (Author)

May 9: P11: (Lecture) Sound Localization and Separation
Audio Object Separation Using Microphone Array Beamforming (Author)

May 10: EB-2: e-Brief Lectures
Production and Reproduction of Program Material for a Variety of Spatial Audio Formats (Author)

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