Audio Engineering Society AES Warsaw 2015

AES Warsaw 2015
Key Technology Briefing K5

Thursday, May 7, 16:00 — 16:45 (PSE Stage on Exhibition Floor)

K5 - New Home for Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice [Wroclaw University]

Piotr Z. Kozlowski, Wroclaw University of Technology - Wroclaw, Poland

The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice (NOSPR = Narodowa Orkiestra Symfoniczna Polskiego Radia w Katowicach, in polish) is one of the greatest and most famous orchestras throughout the world. This group had no concert hall of their own that matched its level of quality in the past. They moved from one venue to another with no success toward improving the quality of the acoustics. Last period they spent at Congress Hall, where the acoustics were completely different from their needs and expectations.
As a result of the decision that a new concert hall should be built to become the new home for the orchestra, an international architectural competition for the complex design was announced in 2008.

The design stage started in March 2009 and was finished in January 2011. The general contractor started the building process in March 2012 and finished September 2014. The acoustical tuning process took five months—from May to September 2014. The first concert was played on October 1, 2014. This evening belongs of course to Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra and for one and only Krystian Zimerman.
In the presentation we will discuss various topics from the many technological aspects: • noise control and the building acoustics; • room acoustics of the acoustic qualified interiors; • electro-acoustics system of the entire building with the multitrack recording system; • stage management system; • stage lighting; • upper and lower stage mechanics with the control system; • digital signage information system for the viewers (agenda).

Technological topics are described separately for the most
important areas of building such as: two concert halls, four team rehearsal rooms, 37 solo rehearsal rooms, recording studio, backstage, OB vans docks, ventilation, and electrical powering rooms.We will also present design stage dilemmas. Final results of acoustical measurements done during tuning process are presented to show why the two concert halls and the entire complex has received the highest praise from artists and auditors.

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