Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014
Workshop W0

Thursday, October 9, 9:00 am — 10:00 am (Room 409 AB)

W0 - Microphone Arrays for Mobile Speech Applications

Eddy B. Brixen, EBB-consult - Smorum, Denmark
J. Keith McElveen, Wave Sciences - Charleston, SC, USA

Microphone arrays are employed to spatially filter an acoustic scene to emphasize desired source directions—and, thereby, particular sources—and de-emphasize all others. Microphone arrays are currently being widely deployed in stationary applications, such as meeting rooms, but are just beginning to be deployed in mobile applications. An introduction to spatial filtering using microphone arrays in terms particularly relevant to mobile speech applications will be given. The theory of operation of both fixed and electronically-steerable arrays will be reviewed to serve as a foundation. From this foundation the practical design and user constraints of microphone arrays in mobile applications will then be addressed. The workshop will also be complemented with a variety of practical demonstrations of mobile microphone array implementations.

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