Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014
Tutorial T9

Thursday, October 9, 2:15 pm — 3:45 pm (Room 409 AB)


T9 - Dither and Noise Shaping in Digital Audio: Hows and Whys

Duane Wise, Wholegrain Digital Systems LLC - Boulder, CO, USA

This tutorial investigates finite-word-length in digital audio: how it differs from analog audio, the side-effects of signal quantization, and how the adverse effects of quantization can be diminished via dither and/or noise shaping. The tutorial presents the theory of quantization along with a live interactive audio demonstration that illustrates the motivation behind the theory.

The author invites attendees to download the presentation materials at

AES Technical Council This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Signal Processing

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