AES Los Angeles 2014
Recording & Production Track Event T13
Friday, October 10, 11:45 am — 12:45 pm (Room 309)
Tutorial: T13 - Let Your Eyes Help Your Ears—Techniques and New Challenges in Audio Metering
Presenter:Paul Tapper
Why use audio analysis or metering at all? Why loudness metering is relevant to engineers working in the music industry and the implications for music mastering practice. If you think that your music might ever get played out on TV, radio, or a music streaming service, you need to have an awareness of loudness normalization. The importance of true-peak metering for music to avoid distortion and fizzing caused by codec conversions. The importance of mono compatibility for music that might ever be listened to on iPod docks, flat-screen TVs, DAB radios, or club PAs. The difficult of auditioning this, and pitfalls to avoid when trying to meter it