AES Los Angeles 2014
Recording & Production Track Event N1

Thursday, October 9, 9:00 am — 10:00 am (Room 404 AB)


Networked Audio: N1 - A Primer on Fundamental Concepts of Media Networking

Landon Gentry, Audinate - Portland, OR, USA; Sydney, NSW, Australia

This session will cover the OSI model and how data travels through network layers (a “networking stack”): Layers 1, 2, 3 and 4; Cables, MAC Addresses, IP Addresses, and networking protocols. An overview of some networking standards and standards organizations, including the IEEE and the IETF. An introduction to IP data networking . . . it is how everything is already wired together. Identify some of the advantages and limitations of IP data networks with respect to real-time media. A brief discussion of IP networking standards and protocols that can be leveraged for media networking.

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EXHIBITION HOURS October 10th   10am – 6pm October 11th   10am – 6pm October 12th   10am – 4pm
REGISTRATION DESK October 8th   3pm – 7pm October 9th   8am – 6pm October 10th   8am – 6pm October 11th   8am – 6pm October 12th   8am – 4pm
TECHNICAL PROGRAM October 9th   9am – 7pm October 10th   9am – 7pm October 11th   9am – 7pm October 12th   9am – 6pm
AES - Audio Engineering Society