Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014
Product Design Track Event PD2

Thursday, October 9, 2:15 pm — 2:45 pm (Room 406 AB)


Product Design: PD2 - Welcome to Top Gun for Product Designers

Scott Leslie, PD Squared - Irvine, CA, USA

Following on from the special workshop this morning on "The Secrets of Analog Design," this session will introduce the theme and sessions for the rest of the PD Track for AES LA. The curriculum has two themes this year. Some sessions will focus on great audio design topics as AES has done in the past.

The second and new theme is about how to develop great products in a global sourcing and engineering environment. Today’s engineers and managers must develop a skill set to deal with the complex world of global availability of:

1) Off-shore manufacturing and supply chain
2) Design services
3) Engineering services
4) Off the shelf and semi-custom subassemblies

Topics in this theme will provide valuable insight for understanding how to find, specify, integrate, and manage these disciplines into successful end products.

This session is to provide an overview of the current global sourcing phenomenon and direct you to the PD track sessions that can leverage your talents in new ways to get products to market that are huge successes and meet your company’s business objectives.

Welcome to Top Gun!

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