Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014 Presenter or Author

Kevin Cleary

Kevin Cleary

Primary Affiliation: ESPN - Belle Isle, FL, USA

Kevin Cleary is an American Audio Producer, Consultant and Designer, whose over 25 years in the industry have spanned almost every facet of the craft. Having worked in live concert sound, on broadway musicals, and in live television production, Kevin has amassed an intricate working knowledge of how audio enhances our ability to experience entertainment. Kevin is a member of the Audio Engineering Society, the Advanced Television Systems Committee, the DTV Audio Group, and the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. Kevin is married to Aubree Cleary and they have one daughter, Kaitlyn.

Session List

Oct 11: B13: SMPTE: Audio Issues for Live Television—Overcoming the Challenges of Live Television Broadcast in Today’s Wild, Wild World (Panelist)

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