Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014 Presenter or Author

Stanislaw Gorlow

Stanislaw Gorlow

Primary Affiliation: Sony Computer Science Laboratory - Paris, France

Stanislaw Gorlow received the B.Eng. degree in Information Technology from the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, Germany, in 2007, the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Université de Bordeaux, France, in 2013. Until recently, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Music Technology Group (MTG) at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratory (CSL) in Paris, France.

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Session List

Oct 12: P19: Signal Processing: Part 3
OBRAMUS: A System for Object-Based Retouch of Amateur Music (Author)

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