Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014 Presenter or Author

Elisabeth McMullin

Elisabeth McMullin

Primary Affiliation: Harman International - Northridge, CA USA
AES Member Type: Associate

Elisabeth McMullin is a Los Angeles area audio researcher, programmer, and educator. She is currently an Acoustic Research Engineer working for Harman International in Sean Olive's acoustic research group, specializing in Mac/iOS programming for audio research. Elisabeth holds an MFA from California Institute of the Arts in experimental sound and dual BAs in Computer Music and Modern Culture and Media from Brown University. She is also interested in experimental music, physical computing, and electronics. When not working, she spends most of her time shooting arrows and also enjoys playing mandolin and guitar, soccer, and rock climbing.

Session List

Oct 9: P4: Transducers—Part 1
The Correlation between Distortion Audibility and Listener Preference in Headphones (Author)

Oct 11: P14: Perception: Part 2
The Influence of Listeners’ Experience, Age, and Culture on Headphone Sound Quality Preferences (Author)

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