Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014
Networked Audio Track Event N15

Sunday, October 12, 12:15 pm — 1:15 pm (Room 404 AB)


Networked Audio: N15 - Interoperability Compliance Testing for Audio Network Appliances

Kevin Gross, AVA Networks - Boulder, CO, USA

End users, systems integrators, and design consultants need assurance that a networked device will interoperate with other networked devices thath implement the same protocol. How is this interoperability best guaranteed? Interoperability compliance testing is an essential requisite to meaningful claims by manufacturers that their product provides assured interoperability. How is this testing best achieved? This session will explore the various methods for compliance testing with particular reference to verifying compliance with the AES67 interoperability standard.

AES Technical Council This session is presented in association with the AES Technical Committee on Network Audio Systems

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