Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014
Live Sound Track Event LS3

Friday, October 10, 9:00 am — 11:00 am (Room 406 AB)

Live Sound Seminar: LS3 - Using Plug-ins for Live Sound

Mick Olesh, Waves
Dave Aron, FOH with Snoop Dogg
Fabrizio Piazzini, FOH with Amy MacDonald
Ken "Pooch" Van Druten, FOH with Linkin Park - Dallas, TX USA

Plug-in enabled digital consoles are now standard in many live sound applications. New loudspeaker designs that are able to deliver higher fidelity than ever have raised the bar for listeners who expect album-quality sound experiences at a concert. Whether this is the artists on stage with in-ear monitors or the audience, they all expect an exceptional mix every day. Using plug-ins vs. outboard gear means lower transit costs, maintenance, and less physical space at venue or in storage. Today’s analog emulations also bring back some of the qualities lost in the purely digital age providing as much harmonic distortion and noise as you want. In this workshop expert mixers will demonstrate which plugins they use in live situations and explain how a few of the plugins help them get a better sound, more control, easier and faster set up time.

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