Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014
Live Sound Track Event LS7

Saturday, October 11, 9:00 am — 11:00 am (Room 406 AB)


Live Sound Seminar: LS7 - Choosing the Right Loudspeaker for the Application

Steve Bush, Meyer Sound Labs, Inc. - Berkeley, CA USA

A wide variety of loudspeakers are designed for use in different modern sound reinforcement applications. Examples include line arrays, point-source loudspeakers, loudspeakers with narrow coverage, wide coverage, short-throw and long-throw, and numerous other variations. The primary goal of sound system design is to evenly distribute the sound to the listening audience at the appropriate volume, but it can quickly become overwhelming to know how to best implement the tools available to effectively achieve that goal. This presentation will step participants through a general overview of common loudspeaker types and how they are implemented in different sound system design applications.

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