Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014
Game Audio Track Event G4

Friday, October 10, 9:00 am — 11:00 am (Room 408 B)

Game Audio: G4 - Next Gen-Game Audio Education

Steve Horowitz, Game Audio Institute - San Francisco, CA, USA; Nickelodeon Digital
Dale Everingham, Video Symphony Director of Audio Programs - Burbank, CA, USA
Scott Looney, Academy of Art University - San Francisco, CA, USA
Leonard J. Paul, School of Video Game Audio - Vancouver, Canada
Stephan Schütze, Sound Librarian - Melbourne, Australia
Michael Sweet, Berklee College of Music - Boston, MA, USA

Game Audio education programs are starting to take root and sprout up all over the world. Game audio education is becoming a hot topic. What are some of the latest training programs out here? What are the pros and cons of a degree program versus just getting out there on my own? I am already a teacher, how can I start a game audio program at my current school? Good questions! This panel brings together entrepreneurs from some of the top private instructional institutions to discuss the latest and greatest educational models in audio for interactive media. Attendees will get a fantastic overview of what is being offered inside and outside of the traditional education system. This is a must for students and teachers alike, who are trying to navigate the waters and steer a path toward programs that are right for them in the shifting tides of audio for games and interactive media.

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