AES Los Angeles 2014
Broadcast & Streaming Media Track Event B16
Sunday, October 12, 2:00 pm — 5:00 pm (Room 407)
Broadcast and Streaming Media: B16 - Society of Broadcast Engineers Exams
The Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE) established a certification program almost 40 years ago to recognize and raise the professional status of broadcast engineers by providing standards of professional competence. It has become recognized in the industry as the primary method of verifying the attainment of knowledge and experience. With the industry constantly changing, the broadcast engineer, certified by the SBE, must keep up with those changes by recertifying every five years. From the certified operator to the Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer, SBE has a certification for every broadcast engineer, technician and operator. SBE exams will take place on October 12 at 2:00 pm during the annual AES convention. Applicants are encouraged to apply before the exams by going to and accessing the certification applications. You may apply on-site for the Certified Broadcast Technologist or the Certified Broadcast Networking Technologist exams. If you wish to apply for the broadcast engineer, senior engineer or specialist certifications then you would need to pre-register by September 19. To learn more about the SBE Certification Program, visit the SBE website,
This session is open to all badges.