Audio Engineering Society AES Los Angeles 2014

AES Los Angeles 2014
Broadcast & Streaming Media Track Event B11

Saturday, October 11, 12:00 pm — 1:30 pm (Room 408 A)

Broadcast and Streaming Media: B11 - SBE/Troubleshooting and Maintenance of Equipment

Kirk Harnack, Telos Alliance - Nashville, TN, USA; South Seas Broadcasting Corp. - Pago Pago, American Samoa
John Bisset, Telos Alliance
Bill Sacks, Orban / Optimod Refurbishing - Hollywood, MD, USA
Kimberly Sacks, CBS Radio - Washington, D.C. USA
Joe Talbot, Telos Alliance

Much of today’s audio equipment may be categorized as “consumer, throw-away” gear, or so complex that factory assistance is required for a board or module swap. The art of Maintenance, Repair, and Troubleshooting is actually as important as ever, even as the areas of focus may be changing. This session brings together some of the sharpest troubleshooters in the audio business. They’ll share their secrets to finding problems, fixing them, and working to ensure they don’t happen again. We’ll delve into troubleshooting on the systems level, module level, and the component level, and explain some guiding principles that top engineers share.

This event is open to all badges.

This is jointly presented by the Society of Broadcast Engineers.

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