Audio Engineering Society AES Berlin 2014

AES Berlin 2014
Workshop W8

Sunday, April 27, 17:30 — 18:30 (Estrel Hall A)

W8 - Mastering in the Modern Age

Gavin Lurssen, Lurssen Mastering - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Andrew Mendelson, Georgetown Masters - Nashville, TN, USA
Mandy Parnell, Black Saloon Studios - London, UK
Darcy Proper, Wisseloord Studios - Hilversum, The Netherlands
Michael Romanowski, Michael Romanowski Mastering - San Francisco, CA, USA; Owner Coast Recorders

Despite the industrial infiltration of low-grade listening, the mastering field has maintained its relevance and progress of precision. Without this finalizing step from birth of an idea to its sonic realization, the energy and excitement that is most desired in music would be lost. Mastering's essentiality is heard in the refined grooves of a vinyl record and the restrained output of an mp3 format alike. This panel, comprised of world-class mastering engineers, explores how to get the most out of mastering in today's world of changing formats, music business models, and evolving technology.

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